Monday 12 November 2018

What Having A Dog Means To Me

My little dachshund, Pepe, is approaching 3 years old at the end of this month and I've been thinking back on these last 3 years and how much happiness he's brought into our lives.

For me, growing up with pets was always a dream.  I was lucky enough to have rabbits and hamsters when I was young but I'd never experienced the joy of having bigger pets.  I've always loved dogs in general but the older I've become, the more I've love dachshunds especially.  When I was little my mum made me a sausage dog plush from one of those plush sewing kits, which I still have to this day and I guess the obsession just grew from there.  I don't know what it is about them, their long sausage like bodies, their short little legs or their unique little faces but I just adore them.

During my 20's it was quite difficult for me to have pets as I was moving around a lot and I was also unable to keep pets in rented accommodation whilst I was in The U.K.  Here in Bogota, landlords are a little more flexible with pets and do allow them in most flats.  As time went on I became more and more obsessed with the idea of having a dog, in particular a dachshund.  I began to research breeders within the area and finally came across a woman selling some 2 month old dachshund puppies and the rest is history.

When I was a child, friends would tell me how much they loved having dogs and cats as pets and that it was like having another family member.  I never truly understood what they meant until I had a dog of my own.  For me, having Pepe is like having another member of the family.  It's crazy how almost human he is!

There are some days when I'm feeling homesick or I've had a very long day at work which has left me feeling drained but just to open the door and see his face looking up at me with his little tail wagging seems to melt my problems and worries away.  When I'm on my own in the flat the place feels a little less empty because I'm never truly on my own.  I have to say that I love nights when I can sit at home with cup of tea, watching a film and having him there keeping me company. 

Pepe's always in the mood to go for long walks.  I've become very fond of taking some time out during the day to take him for a walk around the local parks.  Even when I'm not in the mood, it pushes me to go out to stretch my legs and get some fresh air every day which keeps me active.

He sees me at my best and worse times and comforts me without judgement.  Even though Pepe will just be another dog to others, he's such an important part of my life and now I wouldn't be without him.

I hope you enjoyed this post.  What are your favourite memories of your pets?  Are you a dog or cat person?  Let me know in the comments.


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