Monday 29 January 2018

Peanut Buttercups

I recently wrote about health changes I would be making in 2018, click here to read this post.  So far, everything is going well & I've been able to maintain my healthier eating habits.  Something I've particularly been enjoying is eating an apple sliced up with a little bit of peanut butter.  It's really helping me cope with those sweet cravings.

I do have a little bit of a sweet tooth though & was finding that it difficult not having something sweet during the day.  However, I came across a recipe for peanut butter cups which are only about 60 calories per cup & they're super yummy.  I especially love having one with a cup of tea at the end of the day (not every day) as a treat.

This recipe made 6 cups but you could always double the recipe & make more.  I've decided to freeze mine to make them last longer because I'm not planning to eat them every day.


Here's the recipe so you can try them out yourself.

240g chocolate (milk or dark)
2-3 tablespoons peanut butter
sea salt

1. Melt half the chocolate (120g) in the microwave - this will take about 4 minutes.
2. Put a little bit of the chocolate into each mold & freeze for about 20 minutes until set.
3. Melt down peanut butter a little bit to make it softer (about 30 seconds in the microwave) & put add about a teaspoon of peanut butter into the cups.
4.  Melt the rest of the chocolate & add to the top of the cups, so the peanut butter is completely covered.
5. Sprinkle with a little sea salt.
6. Freeze for 2 hours until set.
7. Pop them out of the mold & they are ready to eat.

I hope you enjoy them too.

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