Wednesday 7 August 2019

Simple Morning Habits for a Better Day

Mornings can be hectic but starting off your morning properly sets you up for a productive day.  Beginning my mornings the 'right' way can be the difference between me having a good or a bad day.  Some of the most successful people in the world often develop health habits that set them up for the day.  It's said that it only takes 21 days to form a habit and I really believe this.  Over time I've implemented some quick, easy steps to my morning routine which have helped me feel more organised and ready for the day ahead.

These are my six habits that I include in my morning routine to ensure I have a productive day.  They're not things that you necessary have to do but they definitely make me feel better after I've done them.

Something that is crucial for me to have a better day is to get up early.  Usually, I wake up at 6am on weekdays.  It may seem a little obvious to say but waking up early gives me extra time which is invaluable.  Whether that's to exercise, have a longer breakfast or just enjoying a little quiet time before work, I can get so much more done and it feels great to make the most of the morning.

This can be tricky, particularly in our day and age but I make it a rule not to look at social media at least an hour after waking up.  I find it very distracting and makes me unproductive.  It's so easy to open Facebook, for example, a think "I'll just have a quick look on my news feed" but before you know it you've wasted longer than you wanted to.  I make it a point now to go on social media once I've been up for an hour or sometimes I will only allow myself to go on social media once I've completed the tasks I need to achieve that morning.  This way it allows me to be more productive in the morning and get more things done.

This one gets said a lot but it's one of my morning habits that I most enjoy doing.  It might seem like a small task but getting my bed made makes me feel like I've accomplished something.  Once I make my bed I feel more motivated and ready to take on bigger tasks.  Plus, it makes my room look much more tidy and organised, which then makes more feel more organised as well.

Whilst I'm doing bits and bobs in the morning I like to listen to some music or a podcast.  It's really uplifting and makes mindless chores, like washing the dishes, not feel so boring and mundane.  It also keeps me in a good more or if I'm having one of those days when I'm not feeling my best it can also change my mood, making me feel better.  I love to listen to self help podcasts.  There are some great ones you can download for free to your phone.

I don't know about you but when I was younger I often used to skip breakfast or have something small, like a slice of toast.  Taking the time to have a health breakfast in the morning has become a priority for me.  Getting something nutritious in my body first thing in the morning has really helped me lose weight.  Starting off your day on the right foot is so important.  Having breakfast means that I'm less likely to snack throughout the morning.  That then reduced any hunger or cravings throughout the day.

& finally......

The most important thing that has helped me become more organised and is a real game changer is to make a to do list.  I like to use a weekly planner to plan out my week.  Then, I'll often make a to do list the night before of all the things I want to achieve the next day.  I like to be realistic, so I normally write a list of 10 things maximum so that it's easy to get through in a day, whether that's paying some bills, food shopping, cleaning a junk pile, etc.  I write the list in order of importance starting with the most urgent things first.  It makes me feel great ticking things off my list and gives me a sense of achievement once I've completed all these tasks.

What are your habits that you like to do in the morning?  Are there any of my habits that you'll be trying out?  I'd love to hear from you!  Feel free to leave a comment down below!

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